Spending money and saving money is two different things that require a proper plan to execute. Spending money might be easy as we only have to buy things to make sure our cash flow keep on running smoothly but without any proper plan, spending money hastily could lead us to bankruptcy. Not to exaggerate though, but, a tonne of money will eventually run out too if we don’t have saving plan.
Now, let’s talk about how to save money. Saving money should be plan properly so we have emergency saving that can be used for emergency situation. We will never know our future as it is uncertain. Not that we can predict the future, right?
This article will tell you how to make an awesome budget plan starting from RM20.00 only.
Printing Cost For Your Home Printer And Office Printer
Printer that you use will run out of ink and you will need to buy a new one to make a refill. Usually, you just buy a new refill ink which is original brand that same with printer’s brand. It’s a common thing to do but those original brand are overpriced. Refill ink and toner cartridge doesn’t have to be original brand because OEM brand is compatible too with any printer brand.
Range of original brand price starting from RM250.00 and above (toner cartridge) meanwhile OEM brand price starting from RM20.00 and above (toner cartridge). Refill ink for original brand starting from RM30 and above meanwhile OEM brand price starting from RM3.00 and above. Why would you bother to buy original brand when you have other alternative?
The differences are huge! Imagine the money you have spent for printing cost only for your entire life.
Printing Cost
For example, you have a CRG337 canon printer you use as home printer and you use A4 Copier Paper. These are two main things used for printing. Let’s see the calculation:
- CRG337 original toner cartridge: RM300.00
- A4 copier paper 70gsm: RM9.00
- Refill ink 70ml per bottle: RM28.00
CRG337 original toner cartridge can last until 2,400 page yield and that would be four months to six months. So basically, you spend RM309.00 in total for your printing cost for half a year. Otherwise, if you choose to refill manually, a 70ml per bottle cost RM28.00 and assume the estimated page yield is 7,000 page yield so you will be spending RM37 for your printing cost.
Now, let’s see if you choose the alternative option:
- Compatible CRG337 toner cartridge: RM21.00
- A4 copier paper 70gsm: RM8.30
- Refill ink 100ml per bottle: RM5.00
You can save almost RM200 per a year, just for your printing cost. Shouldn’t you re-think again your decision to buy an original brand? Alternative way is cheaper though.
JADI Life Solution (JADI Toner) As Your Saving Partner!
JADI is the largest OEM brand in Southeast Asia that manufacture our own refill ink and toner cartridge. Our brand has been in printing industry for 20 years. With no doubt, our brand is a trusted brand that can fulfil your expectation towards your printing experience.
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